An experience tool

We tend to bury our heads in the sand about many of the problems that come our way. Instead of looking for a solution,...

Friendships die hard, love – never

Together we create the picture of life. We leave a touch on it with each passing day, so that it can become an even...

Hello, sweet summer! Adventure ideas!

Each of us eagerly anticipates the summer season because, let’s be honest, it’s our absolute favorite. July waiting on our door, inviting us to...

Life Without Rules. Fun and Freedom!

Picture this: a world where alarm clocks are banned, dress codes are a distant memory, and the concept of “too many donuts” simply doesn’t...

5 Ways to Overcome a Bad Mood

  Everyone encounters a bad mood from time to time. Whether it’s due to stress, personal challenges, or just a rough day, it’s important...

Happy with 5 Rules for a Life Without Rules

Imagine a life without rules, restrictions, and the relentless pursuit of order. A life where you’re free to dance to the rhythm of your...

Save Yourself From Burnout: Unicorn-Approved Strategies

Burnout, that ominous cloud hanging over the heads of many hardworking individuals, can feel like a relentless beast determined to consume our energy, enthusiasm,...

Embracing the Summer Within: Letting Go of Winter’s Grip on the Heart

The season of summer often evokes images of warmth, vibrancy, and carefree moments spent under the sun. It is a time of joy, adventure,...


People are like onions – many layers hide the tender core. And when you go to peel off the layers, you usually cry.Entangled by...

The pleasure of watching a “dumb” movie

With movies it’s the same as with books – there are all sorts of arguments about which book is “high literature” and which isn’t,...

Wine and friends

After another girly night on the occasion of the birthday of one of us, I thought about how nice is to drink wine in...

Freedom is wealth

We live in a material times. Times in which to afford a vacation, you have to work for it a long time. Nowadays, people...

Senseless people

    I know some people who are always busy – with himself. Or atleast they wantsto look busy. And sometimes they really are. In...

Car crash

  Recently I was under the impression that most people have become very restless. Their problems in some extent are turned them in nervous...

Do not lie!

“On the lie ,legs are short ‘- known, trivial, as real as the truth. The more you procrastinate to tell the truth, the more...

Do not rush

All more or less live under steam, but when your existence loses all control and it did not you like it , you understand...

What is happiness?

Happiness is the magic to which we all seek. The universal recipe for happiness does not exist. It is our choice. Happiness depends on...

To be a bitch

Why are people called “bitches”, women who are honest and frank and not say things just to please others? Very honest and good women...


  All of our friends leave a mark in our lives. Some come to teach us something, and then they go, while others appear...