Winter is not to be underestimated

Since November we have been mumbling about the coming winter. For the cold, the darkness, the boredom and the muddy streets. We look at the calendar, staring at the next summer and hate the current winter. And why not turn this bad time into great time?

Now nobody is in a hurry. No one wants to go anywhere and only attracts us the comfort of our home. You do not feel like you miss something interesting, because nothing happens anyway. Long nights are the right time for a real break. Not the one in which we run from party to party and from cocktail to cocktail, not the vacantion to which we travel a thousand miles,but the true resting rest. Winter is time to recharge the batteries. To go home and get to bed early. No matter ,that is still 7 ,8 or 9 ,outside is already dark. Now is the time for the old-fashioned meetings with the family – when we were visiting and wearing cakes, drinking coffee and talking about the books and the movies we read for example. Winter is a time to joyful our souls.

Winter is the time of the small, but profound changes that we wanted to do with us since summer, but there was not time left. Because summer is loud and playful, and winter – no. And even that outside is cold, slick and snowy, look at it from the heat of your home and relax. Winter does not require anything from us, just enjoy to it.

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