Love is somewhere….

The human not regret, not about what he has done
,he regret for what it is not done. So I use every chance. You should not waste your time and energy with thinking about what was and what could have been. The links begin and end. But we remain alive!

IMG_0987Nowadays everything is risk. And in career and in personal life. You just have to learn to live with it. True love finds you. This is destiny! Somewhere there is someone who is exactly for you. Someone ,who fate is predestined to love and he loves you. I believe that when you love, you have to give your whole heart to his partner. Sometimes it can be a little dangerous, but makes you feel alive. I’m like any other woman – I have a wardrobe full of clothes but never nothing to wear. So I wear jeans. Perhaps this refers to somewhere also for men. We women sometimes like the same type of men. They may look different, but deep down are the same. This is a problem. I learned also that a person must be a connection especially with yourself and then to build an intimate relationship with another individual. I do not care what people say. It’s my life and I live as I want.

You need to find a person with whom you are in the same place in life. Timing is everything. If two people want different things, they can not continue together. Things just did not work out. No matter how old you are, the only way your relationship to work is to find someone with whom you are on the same wavelength.

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