As I scrolled through my Instagram feed this week, I read several posts from women who said they felt judged by others – they felt bad about their bodies or when they looked in the mirror. It saddens me that there are so many people who struggle with these thoughts on a daily basis, including me.
Today we are governed by social networks, which means that we are constantly comparing ourselves and have very high expectations in all aspects of our lives, so much so that it can be difficult to love yourself all the time. So when we don’t have self-confidence because of our body, it really has an impact on valuing ourselves and starting to stop us from living our lives to the fullest. It is much more than pampering yourself with a hot tub of bubbles or going for a walk in nature. To love yourself is about finding ourselves – our whole being, the one we need to love and focus on. Were it not for our limiting beliefs and these high expectations and comparisons on social media, I am sure that the problem would not exist. So how do we solve it? Think about the good things and focus on them.
Conviction is important. To learn to believe that you are a valuable and worthy person. Isn’t it time to appreciate and love, to be happy, and to see the value in ourselves and our bodies?