The power who live in us

The power is that invisible part of us that keeps us alive. That life-giving part of our lives ,who we does not even suspect that we have …

The power is direction. Our! The one in which we are headed. The power is the silence in the room. Recalling our fragile moments of personal happiness. The power is elan to the challenge. At the moment of our choice. In the moments of difficulty. At the moments of overcoming our emotions for the sake of our own peace of mind. We are strong, while overcoming their IMG_9988fears. While we forgive and forget what has hurt us. We are strong ,when we love. The power is in our sense of beauty. The real! The precious! It is incomprehensible. Or we have it or not. Anything else we can learn, to acquire, to wish. But not and power. It is given to us. We are required to overcome our fears to realize just how much we possess it. To look around and to understand that while there is only one person who says, “I am with you” ,all is worth. To believe. To fight. To challenge our will ,when we pass in difficulty and to realize what else we can. Despite the horror of the unknown. The human examine himself, while fighting. While he loves. While living.

Because everywhere we go there always is a road that now we look with new eyes. We remember. We experience the moments. We attend. We embraced. We leave something – a word or a smile, heart or mind, soul or act. Not about the oblivion. It is because of the power that we possess … To us there. To be. To remember …

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