Hello, sweet summer! Adventure ideas! Each of us eagerly anticipates the summer season because, let’s be honest, it’s our absolute favorite. July waiting on our door, inviting us to...
Embracing the Summer Within: Letting Go of Winter’s Grip on the Heart The season of summer often evokes images of warmth, vibrancy, and carefree moments spent under the sun. It is a time of joy, adventure,...
Dear summer… Summer! Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Dring get colder. Music gets louder. Night get longer. Life gets better! Summer, we’ve...
Why I love summer so much For summer like magic everyone can talk. It’s much easier to fall in love, to feel beautiful and to have fun in the hot...
The murmurs through summer I jumped to the sea for several days. Every year I find time to go there and to enjoy the sunset as I slowly...