Embracing Change: A Journey Through Life

Life itself is always an opportunity for a new beginning. We discover the beauty in it gradually – just as our ice cream is enjoyed with each subsequent bite. When you reach middle age, you look at life with different eyes.

Growing up is a long process. Experience accumulates over the years – disappointments make us stronger, and moments of joy charge expectations with more optimism. While you’re young, the sea is knee-deep, your love is presumptive, and your grown-up world is as distant as the subject of splitting the atom. This is quite natural. That, as they say, is in the order of things.

I learned a few very important things from the time position. Friendship can be for life, but by no means at any cost. Usually we can’t be angry with those who hurt us and leave sadness behind. Human nature is strange and much of it defies analysis. We often do things that we sincerely regret, but sometimes we must act with the conviction that honor and dignity cannot be bought with money. You can buy chewing gum at the store, but not a conscience. Over the years, the circle of friends narrows as often as the universe continues to expand.

Love is not just a word. Over time, you understand that love is an action – if it’s real, it’s always two-way. The rest is an illusion of love. And illusions have nothing to do with dreams. Being nice and kind is not noble. Expecting compliments for doing the right thing is snobbish and stupid. I believe that it really takes years to realize how important it is to manifest the human in ourselves. What distinguishes us from animals is our reason, our instincts do not differ from them. We may be a happy whim of nature, but I know that in the contemplation of ideal beauty there is always pain. It’s the same with ice cream – if we overdo it, the consequences for the body are not pleasant at all.

The important thing is not to remain indifferent. Indifference is existence in a world that always has something to surprise us with. Experience makes us wise, and with time the heart can lead us less and less astray. If you have the strength to forgive, the gratitude of the other is returned a hundredfold.

Kindness is what makes us beautiful!

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