The Essence of Love and Freedom

What does a person need? Good weather, good company and a place that feels like home. In the rush hours, we seem to get lost while searching for answers to questions that are not essential. We run around with the illusion that the more things we get done, the more accomplished we will feel. And we waste millions of precious minutes that could make us happy.

When it comes to love, each of us has the right to speak, but no one has the right to teach the other. For some it is sweet and bitter, for others it is sour-sweet. As they say, love is abundant, and the more diverse it is, the more inspiring it is. The important thing is to love. The important thing is to be loved.

Autumn weather makes us feel cozier and more relaxed, as if the world is smiling at us for the first time. That smile should be contagious because the present is always more exciting than the past. We cannot change what has already been, but the coming days are an opportunity to truly experience the full enjoyment of glorious freedom. If we stop imposing limits on ourselves, we smile too. The feeling of happiness is most palpable when there is someone to share it with.

It is not true that love is blind. On the contrary, she is always wide-eyed, because she adores the foreseeable, and we are an invariable part of the universe. Yes, we make mistakes, but there is no love that is ready to surrender so easily. There are few things that cannot be fixed. It’s scarier to give in to momentum and stop noticing how beautiful the eyes of the person with whom we want to spend all the time in the world are. Youth is a state of mind, so adventure does not accept excuses, it is alien to stupid excuses.

No need to wait for anything. Each one of us is given love to taste and fun until we pass out, and then – whatever happens.

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