A homemade recipe for happiness

What is happiness? Maybe it’s that moment when you eat the last piece of chocolate and realize someone has hidden a whole block in the cupboard. Or when you think your socks are lost in the washing machine forever, but suddenly you find them under the sofa, accompanied by a few balls of dust. Yes, happiness is everywhere — you just have to have the right eye for detail!

Happiness doesn’t come with a retirement plan

How often do we think that happiness will come when we do this or achieve that? “When I buy a new car, then I will be happy!” – we say to each other and continue to drive the old woman who seems to have entered the mid-life crisis and starts moaning more than you in the morning. Or we think, “When I find the love of my life, everything will be wonderful!” – but the reality is that we’ll be arguing about how to arrange the glasses in the cupboard or how long you can watch your favorite TV show without “exposing yourself”.

The truth is that happiness does not lie in then — it is somewhere in the now. And now may be that moment when you make coffee and it doesn’t turn out to be terribly strong as space shuttle fuel. Or when your kitty lets you pet him exactly 3 seconds longer than usual before biting you, it’s like playing the role of a hostile fish in some underwater movie.

Love is the most complicated game of chess

They say love is like a game of chess. But this is not one of those chess matches that are over in 10 minutes. It’s a long, complicated and sometimes quite messy chess, where at times you forget which move was last and your pawn tries to escape from the board.

But the most important rule in this game is to have fun. Love isn’t always perfect—it’s like drawing a cat with its eyes closed. The important thing is to see the humor in the flaws of your life. Well, and don’t get too mad if your loved one can’t tell the difference between washing dishes and creating a new scientific discovery.

The little joys that turn the day into a holiday

As much as we want life to be full of big events and successes, the truth is, it’s the little things that make it so special. For example:
– When the bus comes just as you arrive at the stop, and you feel like a character from an action movie.
– When you find an old photo of a time you wore a weird hairstyle and realize you’re over it. Almost.
– When you take your clothes out of the dryer and they are warm and soft and smell like freshly laundered happiness.
Life is full of little moments like that. They are not always remarkable, but when you collect them, you realize that you were luckier than you thought.

Happiness is not some destination you find on a map or type into your phone’s navigation. It is somewhere between your daily tasks, the jokes you tell your friends, and the ability to see the beauty in ordinary things. And if you need a moment of happiness right now, just look at the world around you — it’s full of little absurdities and joys waiting to be noticed. So the next time you lose your keys, don’t freak out. Maybe while you’re looking for them, you’ll find something more valuable — like an old coffee sugar stick or a croissant you thought was eaten long ago.

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