I try to…

I learn patience. I learn to let things just to happen … Everything in life changes. Continuously. I know that, but I constantly fight against it. I wish I can steer my life. I want to understand everything that happens in it. I wish I could see beyond the present …

But sometimes I remember that I need to slow down. To calm down. To learn myself on patience. I try to calm the thoughts in my head. To close my eyes and take a deep breath. To feel the fragrance of the earth, the sky, the flowers around, the bakery at the bottom of the street… I am learning to let life happen – to me and around me. I try to smile even during a storm. I am trying to figure out that I can not have all the answers. Because I know that what until yesterday was in my life, today can not be in. And that’s okay. I should not fight tooth and nail against the changes. It is wrong to try at all costs to keep people in my life whom apparently the time has come to let them go. Therefore I try to catch present moments and experience them before they become memories. To be here and now and to wait with an open heart tomorrow day. I have to accept that things are not always as I want. And as I think I should become. I try to accept that things happen on the best way. Patience does not mean perfect life, but that gave me calm and inner peace. When I am patient, it does not mean that I am inactive. This means that I am stronger and more prepared.

I try to understand that life is beautiful when I stop trying to be the human, who I say to myself should have been; to be in the places where I say to myself that I ought to be; to be with the people who I say to myself ,that I should be … and instead that, just to be myself. You can try the same!

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